

Where are we? Where should we be? How do we get there? Gaining a clear picture of the current state, the desired future state, the gap and the proposed transition approach is critical to strategic planning. Confronting the reality of a business and formulating an effective strategy that will allow an organization to excel sometimes requires the guidance of a neutral and unbiased observer.

YAS helps clients to understand their current operating environment (both internal and external) and the desired future state, and implement a roadmap for successful change. By asking the hard questions, we draw out the key drivers, risks, issues and constraints that will help to inform strategic planning and transform your organization.

YAS follows a simple, structured approach to facilitate the development of a robust, responsible and pragmatic strategy for your organization.

  • How is the performance of the current operating model?
  • What problems is the organization currently facing?
  • How is the external environment currently impacting operations?
  • How fast are changes happening in the external environment?
  • How may operations be impacted in the future?
  • What is the view of our key stakeholder needs?
  • How can we develop a new innovative vision, business model and strategy / or maintain efficiency and effectiveness of current operations?
  • How can we stop focusing on the past?
  • How can we stop focusing on current operating problems and take a more holistic, long-term view for the organization?
  • How can we change mindsets on what is possible?
  • How will assess and validate if the business model(s) are suitable?
  • What design criteria is important to test each business model?
  • Can it be implemented successfully?
  • Is it worth the investment?
  • What changes are required to implement the Business Model?
  • How do we bridge the gap (transition) between the current and new strategic direction?
  • What are the strategic programs needed to implement the Business Model and Strategy?
  • Who should have ownership for each of the strategic programs?
  • What is scheduled to start in year one and how should we document this into a clear 1yr Business Plan?
  • How do we communicate the Strategy to staff and key stakeholders?
  • What are the key performance indicators and targets that will be measured against during Strategy implementation?
  • How do we cascade these measures down to business units?
  • What should we do if we go off course or external factors push for a change in direction?
  • How do we implement performance measurement and monitoring as part of business-as-usual activity?

Our strategy process should be used when senior management:

  • Lack understanding of the current external environment and key trends.
  • Lack a holistic view of changes (both internal and external) and any interdependencies that may affect successful implementation and/or create new operating problems.
  • No long-term direction driving current work programs.
  • Typically focus on weaknesses (current presenting problems) that may result in later stages pointing towards “fixes” rather than a holistic, long-term strategy.
  • Lack performance information.

We follow an approach that enables senior management to gain confidence that they developing a robust, responsive and pragmatic strategy.

YAS facilitates organizations to determine the outcomes sort from a strategy. A combination of assessing the internal and external operating environments, complimented by benchmarking will improve the development of a more robust strategic plan. Developing a good understanding of an organization’s internal and external environment helps to develop a more responsive strategy to any changes in the future. Directing effort and resources to the right activities (bridging the gap, validated business model) will ensure the development of a pragmatic strategy.

Strategies are developed to sustain or improve performance
Strategies are designed and executed in specific environments.
Strategies must be realistic and implementable.

Our value add helps to address challenges in the strategic planning process:

Lack of leadership support to the strategic planning process

  • What is the purpose of strategic planning?
  • How should I be involved?
  • I have done this before and nothing changed, why invest effort again? (burnout)
  • I have more immediate problems to fix, why plan for the future until we fix the current operations? Let consultants deal with it!

Poor organizational culture that affects buy-in to the strategic planning process

  • I don’t trust leadership! Gossip!
  • I don’t see the value in this exercise! Where is the transparency in the strategic planning process? Is this just senior management’s view? Do they really understand core front-line operations?

Lack of information to inform the strategic planning process

  • We lack sufficient information – let’s hope our assumptions are well grounded.
  • I will contribute at the end of the process. Knowledge is power!